Nurse owned and operated, Professional Healthcare Resources is dedicated to helping residents improve the quality of their lives through exceptional home health care, hospice, personal care, elder care, and skilled nursing services, provided in a spirit of respect, compassion and dignity. This has been our focus for the last 30 years, and it will continue to be in the future. As we celebrate this important milestone, we want to thank our team of caregivers, medical professionals, as well as the support staff for their unwavering commitment and heart. We also want to thank our clients and their families for putting their trust in us and our team and allowing us to be a part of your lives.
Multiple Locations to Serve Our Clients Better
Growing over these last 30 years, we now have more than 800 employees that are based in one of our four locations: Baltimore, MD; Washington, D.C.; Kensington, MD; and Lanham, MD. Both our Baltimore and Washington, D.C. locations receive a 5-star rating from our clients, while Kensington has a 4.5-star rating and Lanham has a 4-star rating. This level of evaluation only happens because of our dedication to our clients and having team members that are committed to providing high quality home health personal care and hospice care services to all people.
Look For the Best For Your Family
Since the earliest days in 1994 with our founding, we have worked hard to put our clients needs at the heart of everything that we do. That commitment to our clients has led us to 30 years of quality care and growth. When you are looking for the best in home care, hospice care, and skilled nursing for your family, look no further than Professional Healthcare Resources. You can trust that we will be putting your family’s needs first and providing the best care possible as we have a track record of doing this. Contact us today to learn more and see why we have been around for so long.